July 21, 2009

Oh alice and your wonderland

This is a darling little costume and what an idea to have sibling as Alice and the white rabbit. I have two little girls so I always have my eye on kids stuff and this is super cute. I found this at BlueBottleDesigns.etsy.com

I really love the look of these prints. They are classic and take me back...somewhere. That magical place that as adult we seem to forget about. These pictures help me to remember and I found them at Timeflight.etsy.com

This is a nice ring and I love the picture on it. I love tea parties and who doesn't love the un-birhtday theme song of the mad hatters tea party. FatallyFeminine

After that wonderful ring about the mad hatter tea party. I thought I should find something mad hatter and then I came across this print. I think this 5X7 print is so cool and would be a great addition to any Wonderland collection. I love the take that this artist did on the Mad hatter. This is made by moonlightwhisper

These little tags are great and would be great to add to a scrapbook or a handmade card. I love the red and black contrast and the timeless images. I found these made by papervictory

This little water drop pendant is quite something. I love the vintage image of Alice holding the water bottle. It is almost like she drank the potion and shrunk and got stuck in this water drop. I found this little wonder made by bethtastic

Today I have been feeling a little lost and that reminded me about the wonderful tale of Alice and Wonderland. How Alice got lost and was trying to find her way out or around Wonderland. Like Alice I look for excitement and sometimes and it gets me into trouble and then all I want to do is find my way back. Today as I did my search to find treasures to feature on today's post I found out that they are coming out with a Alice and wonderland movie. I am sure everyone but me know this (I am usually the last to know these things) but I am super excited and disappointed at the same time. I am excited because I love the story and as a little girl I loved watching over and over the cartoon movie. I am disappointed also because I love the story and so many times Hollywood has messed with a good thing and messed it up. Do you remember Charlie and the chocolate factory. Lets keep our fingers crossed and wait.

1 comment:

Allison Cecil said...

What a wonderful collection! Thanks for including me.