October 19, 2009

Vintage dresses

Timeless vixen

I am telling you that I should of been alive in the 50's. I just love all the styles of that time. Especially the dresses of that time. I also love the handbags and such as you probably already know.  I found all these dresses in my new favorite vintage shop called Timeless Vixen's etsy shop. You can check out the store here. I am in love and wish I could buy one of these. They are all so lovely. I love to wear dresses even if it is just to go shopping. It doesn't have to be a special occation to throw on a dress. I love the girlie side of me. I hardly see people in dresses anymore so when I wear one I probably stick out a bit, but I don't care because I am most comfortable in a dress. If I owned enough dresses I would wear one  everyday. My husband and I have recently really gotten be the era that I should of lived in. Maybe it's the style or the old fasion ways of everyone. I don't know. I can't get over how they smoke everywhere and all the time. They wake up in the middle of the night and light up. I think that is werid but maybe that's because we live in a time where smoking is looked down upon. Ether way it is a great show.

So the weather has now moved from warm to cold here in Tennisee, and the leaves are finally starting to change and fall. I can't wait until the ground is covered and I can take the little ones out for a falltastic photo shot. I really enjoy this weather a lot. I am origianally from Texas and it doesn't really get that cold and the leaves change from green straight to brown. Don't get me wrong Texas has bueaty all it's own but when it comes to autum and winter there just isn't much glory there. At some point I am going to post some photos of this place. I just havn't been much of photographer latley well I haven't been much of anything lately. But that is okay because like the seasons that are always changing so are my moods and hobbys. What will come next, I don't know I am now working on my Christmas gifts and cards. I am just trying to have fun with it. I know this is random but I try to have fun in everything that I do. I hope that you get the chance to do that too have  a great week everyone.

October 6, 2009


These earrings are really coming back into style as all things vintage are. I think this is a classic look that can really go with any outfit. Buy them here

I am starting to see pearls everywhere. I now see why...they go with everything from a dress to jeans and a cute top. These little treasures are only 10 dollars. What a deal and can be found here

Oh my word these are breath taking. I love the scrolls on these. I found these little wonders here

I am loving this shade of pink. This shop also has these in a few other colors it was hard to choose just one to feature. I found these Here


Talk about the wow effect. These would give you just that. I love how big the glass is and the purple is stunning too. I found these here 

These are so very pretty. Once again I love how big the glass is. I think I really appreciate jewelry that stands out as these do. I found them here

I just love earrings. I did this post because I am in need of some earrings. I sadly own only one pair. I know sad right. When we moved my children got into my jewelry box. Need I saw more. Well vintage is back and what better place to find vintage and handmade vintage items but etsy. I love that site as you can tell. I can spend all day on there. There were many other earrings I saw and really could of got wrapped up in todays post.

Anyways I want to apoligize for the lacks of posts lately I have really gotten my self wrapped up in my bible lately. I have also started to help out with my churches youth group and I am now preparing to go back to school. Yes I am a busy little bee.
I am in a hard place in life right now because I feel god tugging at me to do one thing but my heart is pulling another way. I know in the end that gods will, will be done. But I feel him leading me away from my on-line stores to focus on other things. This is sad for me, because I so love to create things and really enjoy selling on-line. Maybe a break from it, is in order just to figure out what I am needing to do. I am still going to hold up the blog and even start some give-a-ways real soon. For the time being I will post twice a week, once on Tuesdays and once one Fridays. Just a quick reminder to you guys. You can click on the pictures to take you to the item, and you can click one the Here to take you to the store. I also want to thank all my followers for following. You guys mean so much to me and I hope you have a blessed week.